Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Entry 2010 - 58 - Radioactive Arachnid Part 1

I was asked by a Anthony Moore to do some Spider-man shows. Some real fan shoes. He wanted the Iron Spider-man (which was a costume made by Tony Stark as result of a Superhero Civil War), Red & gold colors on one shoe. And for the other shoe, the original Spider-man (Red & Blue) and for both shoes I had free reign over style and treatment of the whole shoe.

I made up the hero stances from sketches, the webbing style behind them, and the specialty backs of the shoes.

On the back of Iron Spider-man is the cursive word, "Sensational" (in reference to the comic) with a colorful NY cityscape penciled, colored, and inked.

On the back of the most known Spider-man shoe is the AMAZING (in reference to another spidey comic) with a more complex, familiar design consisting of a DNA helix breaking, a group of science beakers, and the atom symbol with the spider-man logo in its center. The background of the back also has blue to black gradient.

*Size 12 - $80.00 paid upfront - Great quality, colors and line work.

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