A few weekends ago, i helped & participated with a fashion show (i was a walking & standing model of a t-shirt, a seller at a vendor, & our line's camera man). I am also one of the line's designers, my t-shirts will be printed soon enough. The name of the line is Spiritual Armor, its a faith based line welcome to many religions & acts of faith not just one. And I got word that one of our models has been accepted to go on the show "America's Next Top Model". Here's a video of our part of the fashion show & slide show of photo shoot (all music created my Kevin Hart, SC&NC)
Today is Day 5 for me temporarily being on my own. Today was filled with the regular magic of a regular weekday with the added "Wednesday Bonus". The "Wednesday Bonus" is a grand magical moment also known as "Comic book Day", where comic books of all varieties, species, & genres rain down from the heavens (maybe even shoot up from hell) to grace the world with its wonders of art & stories alike.
To jump the gun: I am an aspiring graphic designer, illustrator, customizer (of shoes, shirts, pants, hats, apparel etc), comic penciler & inker,...well, anythin art-related.
Also, today was a decent day. Before buying my weekly comics, I was helping out at my church with the Summer Enrichment Program (for ages 5 to 13). And today we all went to the Fire Museum in N.Charleston & the kids learned about fire safety, fire hazards, the history of fire & firefighters in Charleston, and weird inanimate talking dummies...lol. Its fun being around younger kids....whether they are clowns or scholars or bad apples...
And I end todays post with a happy sketch (sprinklin' visual crack on ya pupils)...